We believe the vaccine is the answer to getting back to dating as we knew it. Our new vaccine badge will help you connect with other members in a way that makes you feel safe.
You can add the badge to your profile by picking between “Fully vaccinated”, “Waiting on second dose”, “Planning to get vaccinated” and “Not getting vaccinated”. The badge will then appear on your profile, just below your picture. You can also choose to not display the badge or remove the badge from your profile by changing your answer to “Prefer not to say”.
This information is only gathered to help you date safely. We will never sell your data to third parties and when we expire the badge, your information will be deleted.
Although we trust our members to be honest, we don’t verify or endorse that people who add the vaccine badge to their profile have received a vaccination. The information is self-reported by members, so we encourage you to be cautious and continue following safe dating practices, and all safety guidelines, issued by medical and government organisations.
For more questions, please contact our Support team at support@theinnercircle.com.